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A story unlike any other: the alchemy of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance

Every day, people are reported missing across the United Kingdom. Of those missing, most of them are found within 48 hours but for an unfortunate few, their whereabouts remains unknown for far longer. As with any search, a pivotal part of its success comes down to exposure – more awareness means more people are looking.… Read More »A story unlike any other: the alchemy of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance

Going missing is not a crime – so why is it treated like one?

When we think of a missing person, we conjure up images of police scouring unkempt fields, loved ones suspended in prolonged emotional paralysis and a victim who has come into harm’s way by the hand of a dangerous criminal. While this is the reality for some, the vast majority of missing persons are found within… Read More »Going missing is not a crime – so why is it treated like one?

Risk assessments: with so many missing, how do police decide who to prioritise?

When police receive a missing persons report they face a tough decision, one which will determine the amount of energy and resources that go into finding someone’s loved one. The officer that receives the report must try to accurately assess the missing person’s level of risk.   If a person’s risk is deemed as “low” or… Read More »Risk assessments: with so many missing, how do police decide who to prioritise?